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The ITALIAN SOCIETY OF HEMATOOLOGIC ONCOLOGY (SOHO ITALY), is bringing together leading SOHO experts and top Italian researchers in acute leukemias, MPDs and MDSs, aims to consolidate the Italian Hematology-SOHO partnership.
The aim of the association is the integration of the clinical-scientific activities of IRST Meldola and MD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER and the improvement of the clinical-therapeutic approach to patients with hematologic malignancies.
The Society “SOHO ITALY” is represented by G. Martinelli and C. Cerchione (IRST MELDOLA) and H. Kantarjian, E. Jabbour, M. Konopleva N. Daver, MD ANDERSON CANCER CENTER)
Here follows a focus about IRST, MDACC and SOHO:
The Cancer Institute of Romagna (IRST) breaks new ground in multiple cancer research fields, with outstanding clinical programs, innovative preclinical research, and educational excellence.
IRST provides state of the art diagnosis and treatment a wide range of cancer fields, in line with an excellent healthcare system. The Institute offers precision medicine treatments through a multidisciplinary approach, which guarantees the most effective interventions for each patient.

Established in 2007 in Romagna (northeastern area of Italy not far from Bologna or Venice), IRST serves over 1.1 million inhabitants.
IRST is fully integrated within the national Public Health System: it is set upon a public-private partnership between:
– public Health Authorities;
– a non-profit social value private organization which supports cancer patients and IRST’s research activity;
– banking foundations
The Institute is a multi-specialty center with some high complexity clinical specialties such as radiometabolic therapy, last-generation radiotherapy treatments, cellular therapies, immunotherapy, and dedicated hospital ward and outpatient day hospital.
Within the “Romagna Oncology Network” IRST organizes and steers:
– Oncology research and clinical trials;
– Research infrastructure necessary to promote, conduct and evaluate research with highly skilled dedicated clinicians, researchers, project and grant managers, study coordinators, data-managers and biostatisticians also serving as a CRO for externals;
– Treatments with emerging and innovative technologies;
– Continuous training and development in the field of oncology.
The Leukemia Center at MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC), directed by Prof. Hagop Kantarjian working alongside eminent scientists such as Profs. Marina Konopleva, Naval Daver, and Elias Jabbour, is one of the world’s most renowned centers for the treatment for leukemia and blood disorders. The research carried out here has pioneered new standards of care for all types of leukemia, and the Center’s Research Program currently offers more than 100 clinical trials with novel targeted therapies, vaccines, immunotherapies and “mini” stem cell transplantations, many of which are only available at MD Anderson. The Leukemia Center boasts a team of internationally-acclaimed physicians who have been instrumental in advancing global knowledge on the staging and treatment of acute leukemias, myeloproliferative disorders (MPDs) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDSs). Among the new treatments available, CAR-T can be considered the most innovative, with numerous clinical trials having been activated to evaluate its efficacy.
The Society of Hematologic Oncology (SOHO) was established as a non-profit organization in 2012 to promote worldwide research (education, prevention, clinical studies and patient care) into hematologic malignancies and related disorders. The SOHO network represents a point of reference for physicians and other healthcare professionals from more than 100 countries whose common aim is to find innovative and effective treatments for the myriad of diseases of hematological origin.
The SOHO CONFERENCES cover the latest advances in the pathophysiology and therapy of the following malignancies:
- Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- Multiple Myeloma
- Non Hodgkin and Hodgkin Lymphomas
- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
- Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
- Myelodysplastic Syndromes
- Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
- Myelofibrosis
A.Roma Lifestyle Hotel Via Giorgio Zoega, 59 00164 Roma, Italia
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